Virgin Gold Brazilian Wavy

kr 1090,00kr 1890,00

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Virgin Gold Brazilian Wavy extensions are a high quality product made of 100% human hair .

Virgin Gold Brazilian Wavy 100% human hair has never been chemically treated in our factory, to ensure the hair maintains its natural appearance.

The Virgin Gold range is uncoloured retaining the natural hair; meaning our customers can re-colour & customise this hair. The Virgin Gold range is also heat & water friendly, available in super-soft Brazilian (please note the hair will go wavy when wet) or ultra resilient Peruvian style. Due to a special wefting technique of this premium hair, there is reduced shedding, tangles & frizz.


Virgin Gold Brazilian Wavy 100% human hair is a weave extensions that is sewn into braids, instead of using tape or clips. Once the weave are sewn in, they will stay in place for 1.5 – 2 months. During this period, the hair in the braid will have grown, and you will have to open the braid to sew hair in again. If you have taken good care of your hair, you can sew in the same hair again, if not, you can sew in a new bundle of hair. The hair is made of 100% real hair and this variety has beautiful smooth hair, which is soft and resistant.


How to take care of your new hair?

-Wash as needed, but a maximum of once a week.

-Wash carefully with mild shampoo, conditioner and hair treatment that is suitable for hair extensions. Bobbys cannot guarantee shampoos other than those we recommend, such as: Hydrating Detangling shampoo and Humecto Creme Conditioner from KeraCare.

-Always use a heat protection product when heat styling.

Find detailed information on how to care for your attached hair under the “Wash and care” tab.


30cm (12 inches), 35cm (14 inches), 40cm (16 inches), 50cm (20 inches)

Brazilian Color


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Virgin Gold Brazilian Wavy

kr 1090,00kr 1890,00

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    Virgin Gold Brazilian Wavy

    kr 1090,00kr 1890,00

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